Site: What's on
WHAT'S NEWVincent's Digital Video Experiences. Digital Video is about as cool as it gets. It's also about as difficult as it gets. Learn from my ongoing experiences. Who is Jakob Siegel?Darn good question. You'll find out if you read the WebWord
interview John Rhodes conducted with Vincent Flanders. Bad Design. There's always the Daily Sucker -- the sucky site of the day. Mystery Meat Navigation. Basically, it's a reworking of the old Weborcist article. Bad navigation costs you money and Mystery Meat Navigation is bad. 47.8K Yes, that's how big your Web page should be. Read the article. Under the Influence. Normally, I don't talk about personal pages or pages from Web Designers. Well, today's the exception. One has that "Eudora" look and the other -- well, you'll have to see it to believe it. Definitely Under the Influence. Under the Influence. One of these sites is Under the Influence. If this were a sobriety test, it wouldn't be dead rock drummer .51% level. Probably .07% blood alcohol level. World's Worst E-Con-merce Site #3. We're always complaining how much information is being kept about you. At Charles Schwab, they don't keep enough. Critique of the Week. Sites I've reviewed include, Counting Crows Web site, Redland Baptist Church, Martha Stewart Living, Adobe, and
ABOUT THE SITEThe purpose of (WPTS) and its related sites is to provide you with easy-to-read and understand information about how to make your Web sites successful. The e-mail I've received and the lectures and interactions with designers has taught me you just want to solve your problems NOW. You don't have time to go around to 400 Web sites and figure out what information is important -- that's my job. I'll filter information for you so you don't have to wade through the muck. This site, like everything else, has changed to meet the times. WPTS is a lot different than the original site which tried to "teach you good design by looking at bad design." Looking at sucky sites is valuable (and fun), but you need a lot more information. The redesign you're looking at is mostly done. There are some rough edges that need to be smoothed out and I'm working on that Even As We Speak. <grin> WEB DESIGN INFORMATION and RESOURCES LINKSMain Page
of Links THE BOOKWPTS is now in book form and is far more than just a collection of sucky sites. Graphics guru Michael Willis and I show you what you should be doing on your site to make it successful -- and there are three chapters on Marketing. The book is being described as the" Strunk and White of Web Design." You can even order it from this site using your favorite online bookstore. WPTS is an easy and fun read and very educational. One of my favorite compliments is "It's the first technical book I've read that I've enjoyed reading." The writing is clear, concise, and easy to understand. Best of all, it isn't silly or pretentious. You won't find phrases like you'll see in other design books like: "...seeing the innovative design on the site was reward enough. 'Grrr,' says Andrew, satisfied." On this site you can download a chapter from the book. You can also see the material that Not in book. SUCKY STUFFWeb
Pages That Suck -- The Sucky Sites THE WPTS BULLETIN BOARDThe WPTS Bulletin
Board BOOKSTOREHere's a novel concept for a bookstore. Instead of just listing books for you to buy, I'll give you a list (pretty small at the moment, due to time constraints) of books that I've actually read and feel you might find valuable. |